

励志文章 2020-10-040 lz01


1、人对他自己建筑起堤防来。man barricades to himself.

2、城中十万户,此地两三家。two or three hundreds of households in the city, here.

3、建筑是一种社会艺术的形式。architecture is a kind of social art form.

4、每个人都是自己的命运建筑师。every man is his own destiny architect.

5、建筑是凝固的音乐。architecture is frozen music.

6、建筑始于工程完结之处。construction began in the end.

7、西窗过雨,怪瑶佩流空,玉筝调柱。west window after the rain, empty, blame yao yu zheng column.

8、我们不安居,因为我们已经在建筑。we are not living, because we have in the building.

9、建筑是连接私密性和公共性的通道。the building is connected to the privacy and publicity channels.

10、美在于自然景观与艺术表现的结合。beauty lies in the combination of natural landscape and artistic expression.

11、建筑是地球引力的艺术。architecture is the art of earth's gravity.

12、绿树加建筑物就是风景。green building is the scenery.

13、建筑是研究如何浪费空间的艺术。the art of architecture is the study of how to waste space.

14、中国的房子很多,但是建筑很少。china's house a lot, but rarely buildings.

15、宅不树艺者为不毛,出三夫之市。house not for barren tree art, three of the city.

16、人要塑造建筑,建筑也要塑造人!people to shape construction, the building is to shape man!

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