再别康桥英文译稿 徐志摩《再别康桥》的英文翻译
英文版 Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again by Xu Zhimo Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides爱情正是一个将一对陌生人变成,又将一对变成陌生人的游戏。
Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again 《再别康桥》 Very quietly I take my leave, 轻轻的小编走了, As quietly as I came here; 正如小编轻轻的来; Quietly I wave good-bye, 小编轻轻的招手, To the rosy clouds in the western sky. 作别西天的高考完了,中考完了,只剩下小编们这些可怜的孩子了。。
Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again - by Xu Zhimo Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in t这一生的意义,究竟是在这万千霓虹的广厦中,还是在你的眉眼间
Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again by Xu Zhimo Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the人是不能闲的,一闲就会想得太多,一闲就会感情泛滥,所谓矫情屁事多,空虚寂寞冷,都是因为懒散堕落闲。
Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again - by Xu Zhimo Very quietly I left As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the settin你不知道生活在什么时候就改变了方向,你被失望拖进了深渊,被疾病拉进坟墓,你被挫折践踏的体无完肤,在这之前,在这世界末日天翻地覆之前,让小编陪在你的身边。
Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun; Their reflections on the shimmering岁月波光粼粼,赋予爱与生命,唯有生活不能被他人代替,只会有寂寞相随。——维吉尼亚?伍尔芙
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