Boy: Is this seat empty? Girl: Yes and this one will be if you sit down. 男孩:这个座位是空的么? 女孩:是的,如果你坐下。
A Girl Just Like Mother No matter which girl he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice. “Find a girl just like your mother—then she's bound to like her. So the young man sear小编永远不会拉下脸来去挽留一个要离开小编的人,请不要试图伤害了小编然后离开小编。如果你走,小编无可奈何,毕竟小编是真的想要留下你,而你不领情。走好
英语笑话(一) Q: What's the difference between a monkey and a flea? A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys. 猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一校但除此之外呢。
要有中文,尽量搞笑 ,不要太长啦Mrs Brown went to visit one of her friend and carried a small box with holes punched in the top. " What's in your box?" asked the friend. "A cat," answered Mrs Brown. "You see I've been dreaming about mice at night and I'm so s世间许多人需要的其实不是实用的忠告,而恰恰是充满暖意的附和。
Weather Prediction An old Indian chief was famous for predicting what the weather would do. A group of people went up to the chief and asked him, "What will the weather be like tomorrow?" The chief replied, "Much rain. Very wet你是深山的游客,边走边爱,四海为家,生性多情,小编是集市的养猫者,不看路人,不换爱人。
Teacher:Why are you late for school every morning? Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,"School-Go slow". 老师:为什么你每天早晨都迟到? 汤姆:每当小编经过学校的拐角处,僦看见一个牌子仩写着"学校慢行". Let me take it do美好的事是你听到小编没照顾好自己时气急败坏的表情可是小编现在选择不告诉你了
hey Are Directly from America Not long after an old Chinese women came back to china from her visit to her daughter in the Sates, she went to a city bank to deposit the U.S. dollars her daughter give her . At the bank counter ,生活中很多人的真实写照是:心有猛虎,一事无成。
My grandad said,'When you get old,three things start to go wrong.First, you start to lose your memory.And I can't remember the other two things.' 翻译:小编爷爷说:"当你老了后,有三样东西开始出错.首先,你开始失去记忆.还有,小编忘了另外心里最崇拜谁,不必变成那个人,而是用那个人的精神和方法,去变成你自己。
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