
英语专四作文范文 英语专四作文满分范文(35):考试是好还是坏

励志文章 2021-06-140 lz01

2012 英语专业四级写作讲义 英语专四写作项目有两个子项目.其一是要分享学生能根据作文题目、提纲或图表、数据等,在3钟内写出长度为200个单词左右的作文。其二是要分享学生能根据提示在1钟内写出长度为50-60个单词左右的便条。


专四题目:考试是好还是坏? When we entered primary school, we started to work hard in the hope of passing the examinations. There is no doubt that examinations have become part of students' lives. As it is so important for us, w只要曾经年少,每个人都会在心底深处为逝去的青春留一点柔软。

09英语专四作文09专四作文可不可以写tourism will not bring harm to the environment如果写的有根据,写肯定方面也行 因为题目给的是will the torism bring harm to the enviroment,写否定和肯定都是可以的 不要担心会跑题 不过小编写的也是否定。 这篇作文星火英语写作黄金模板上有范文,没看,悔恨啊。。。。

四六级作文模板 现象解释型模板一 1. Recently, ________. 2. What amazes us most is ________. 3. It is true that ________. 4. There are many reasons explaining ________. 5. The main reason is ________. 6. What is more, ________. 7对一个男人来说,最无能为力的事儿就是在最没有能力的年纪,碰见了,最想照顾一生的姑娘。”——对一个女生来说,最遗憾的莫过于在最好的年纪遇到了等不起的人。”

分享英语专四专八作文范文范文最好精短点,能够用来背诵,打包发给小编。。 多多益善。 5476545星火有专四专八的范文,小编就是英语专业的,小编和小编同学都用这个,感觉非常不错,难易适中,适合背诵。


专四题目:为大公司还是小公司工作? Some people prefer to work for a large company while others prefer to work for a small company. What is your view? 专四范文: Choose a Big Company Whether a small or a big company is better sh世界上有些人因为忙而感到生活的沉重,而有些人因为闲而活得压抑。

想请英语过了专四的朋友帮忙写下作文部分的note.有两篇要分享如下: 1.If date dear hellen: i know you were absent in the last class meeting, which we had talked about a picnic this sunday. in the meeting we have decided to go to Chuxiu Park to have our picnic.do you like to join us if you want pleas回忆就是把所有的伤心重新走一遍,而最伤心的是你不在终点

适合Advantage / Disadvantage题型 People’s views towards the advantages and disadvantages of主题词varygreatly. Some believe that观点1, while others support that观点2.As for me,I agree to theformer/latteridea be小编不是高傲,也不是胡闹,是厌倦了所有的依靠。

1 Weather Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. For example, good weather makes people happy and gay, while bad weather makes people sick and depressed. Besides, on a fine day, one can get out美食大致可以分为两类:小编吃过的和小编没吃过的。小编喜欢过的人也可以分为两类:烦小编的和看见小编就想吐的。


以上就是励志名言网为大家整理的英语专四作文范文 英语专四作文满分范文(35):考试是好还是坏内容,如果觉得本站更新的资源对您有帮助 不要忘记分享给您身边的朋友哦!

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